People are the Least Common Denominators of life. Life isn’t about me it’s about others.
If you want to transform who you are:
Change the way you think. If you change the way that you think, you will change the words that you use. When you change the words that you use, you will change the way that you feel. When you change the way that you feel, you will change your actions. When you change your actions, you will change your habits. When you change your habits, your character will change. When you change your character it will take you to your destiny.
Habits – You are what you repeatedly do!
The beginning of a habit is like an invisible thread. Every time you repeat the act you strengthen the strand. You add to it another filament with each repetition, until it becomes a great cable and binds you irrevocably to each thought and act. First you make your habits and then they make you. Your actions form your habits. Your habits are either the best of servants or the worst of masters.
There are two types of agreements: written and verbal. People get in trouble when they break their agreements. Therefore, make fewer agreements and honor them.
Attached is a list of financials that everyone should put in place. Do an assessment to see where you are.
Summary: Everyone is interconnected. There is nothing that you can do in life alone or without impacting others. In order to be successful, it is our responsibility to consider others and our actions and the impact that it will have. In our interactions with others we make agreements. We will either keep them or break them; creating either positive or negative results/energy. These decisions have a direct tie to our finances. Put others first, honor your agreements with others and your finances will take care of itself.