Marcus Holman
Web Master
Marcus is responsible for developing and maintaining all of the Choices Program web site and online media.
Marcus Holman is the CEO/President of Servaunt LLC., a full service web development, Interactive Marketing, and Design company. In addition to that he is a mentor and full time coach for the Judah Elite youth track and field program. He has taking the approach of sports being a microcosm of life’s lessons and challenges and used it as a bridge to reach and teach hundreds of youth lessons in team work, leadership, self confidence, perseverance, commitment, dedication, and the benefits of hard consistent work. Through collaborative efforts, many of the young people that he has worked with have gone on to college, received thousands of dollars in scholarships; both academic and athletic, and become some of the best athletes in the country.
Marcus was born in Grand Rapids Michigan and like many of America’s inner city youth, raised as an only child in a single parent house hold, after his parents divorced when he was 6 years old. Growing up in an urban lower middle class neighborhood he was exposed to a lot of life’s challenges at an early age. And like many that grow up in this area of town, witnessed a lot of unfortunate things happening to the people around him. His family, being aware of the environment that they lived in, was determined to not see Marcus succumb to the pit falls that so many African American males in his circumstance find themselves becoming victim to. Believing that keeping him involved and exposing him to positive things was the way to keep him from becoming a statistic, his family enrolled him in youth program after youth program. By the age of 8 Marcus discovered that he had a fondness for sports, technology, and business. And began playing football and was enrolled in a youth technology program. This is when he fell in love with them both.
Over the years Marcus continued to participate in several sports and after school programs. Once in high school, he was accepted into the Upward bound college prep program and continued to excel in football, track, and wrestling. In his senior year Marcus was awarded the athlete of the year award and was accepted into Jackson State University. At Jackson State, Marcus balanced the demanding schedule that came with being a computer science major, a receiver on the football team, and a hurdler on the track team. In May of 2001 Marcus graduated and began working at Lockheed Martin, in their Valley Forge office, as a software engineer. In 2006, while working for Lockheed, Marcus began pursuing his dream of owning his own company and started Servaunt. Over the next 4 years he remained a full time employee of Lockheed and worked Servaunt on a Part time basis. In January of 2010 Marcus was laid off from Lockheed and became a full time entrepreneur. Currently Marcus has a growing web development company in Servaunt, is an executive board member for USA Track and Field Mid-Atlantic Youth organization, Bethany Christian Business and Professional Association and the Choices personal and professional development program.
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
UE-001 | Science In The New Era | 4 Hours | June 22, 2015 |
1412003 | Learning From Nature | 7 Hours | June 1, 2015 |
1407001 | Computer Science 101 | 10 Hours | December 31, 2014 |